Thursday, January 26, 2012

It Just Started...Now We Are Almost Done :(

Well this adventure is almost over. At the beginning of the week I honestly felt out of place here, but at this the last day I don't want to leave. I am actually bonding with my roommates (a bunch of freshman girls from Ave Maria University) I have made friends, ran into old ones and grown so much! Most of the other schools will be going to the March For Life in Washington D.C. I wish Bradley was going because 1) I have never been and have always really wanted to and 2) I don't want this adventure to be over!
Today was full of great talks, great food and even better conversation! Everyone was dressed up because we had Sunday mass! It was so fun to see everyone all fancied up!
This is me, Angie, and Amy all dressed up for mass! 

I went to the Hard Rock Cafe for the first time and hung out with my peeps at UNL (yes I did just say peeps). It was quite the experience because the BIG football game was on when we went. If something exciting happened in the game, waiters would run away from tables and toward TVs, and everyone cheered very loud!  
Well I will be getting up for a six am adoration hour (woop woop) so I am going to get some sleep. Remember to take the time to stop and smell the flowers!

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