Friday, November 16, 2012

Let the Adventure Begin!

Hello World!

Sorry I have been pretty AWOL lately, things have been pretty crazy! I am back however and off on another Adventure. What adventure is this might you ask! I'm off to Denver to interview for a position on Staff for FOCUS! Exciting right!

One thing I have learned while preparing for this interview is that you really do need to give everything to GOD. If he wants me to get this Job, I will, if not there is another adventure waiting for me! Give everything to God and trust in him!

I have had several people ask me if I am nervous. The answer is a surprising no. I feel so at peace about all of this and it is because I have given in totally to HIM. This is rare for me, because I really lack in the trusting department, but it is so beautiful! There is no better feeling in the world.

Advice of the day: Pray and ask God to allow you to give you life to him, it is hard, but it is beautiful.

Have a Glorious Day :)

Me at the airport! 

"Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts." ~ John 4:8 

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