Monday, May 7, 2012

Sidekicks vs. The Hero

       So I recently went to see the new movie The Avengers.  It was a great movie and because of it...I am on a super hero kick.  One thing that I have noticed is that in Marvel Comics none of the super heros have side kicks. This is really quite a travesty as I have always preferred the sidekicks to the heros.  I was always a bigger fan of Robin then Batman and so on and so forth.
        I have noticed that the super hero sidekick relationship is used in every form of entertainment we have today, especially books and movies. This relationship is most often show as the main character and the best friend, the studly male whatever and his best friend, and the ego jock and the dork (who is not the best friend).  The side kick character is always a great friend, a person that you want to hang out with, but is never the first choice. They are also usually a nerd or some form an artist. They usually end up alone, but are happy about it.

One of my favorite movies is Sky High (Yes thank you I do know it is a children's movie)


If you have not see This one is great for all ages.  Anyway my point is don't underestimate the side kicks. They are the strength behind every super hero. 

Let's get theological for just a bit. Jesus= hero (duh) Does he need a side-kick? No. But alas he has Peter the rock on which he built his church. BEST SIDE-KICK EVER!!  Peter totally kicked butt (in a totally non-violent way). Or look at any of the other Saints. Look at  Mother T or JPII or Therese of Lisieux...any of them! Did they want to be a hero? No they wanted to do what ever OUR LORD wanted them to do. Basically they were the most kickin' side-kicks ever.  So Moral of the story...become a Saint....become a sidekick! 

I'm praying for you, We're all in this together :) 

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