Friday, February 17, 2012

Taking the High Road

So I was planning on writing this on Monday, then on Tuesday, and well this week has really gotten away from me. Last weekend was full of a lot of new adventures, starting with racquetball! I went into this sport expecting the worst and hoping for the best. Well it was bad. Really bad. I learned that I am really, really great and flailing.  I this this is going to be something that I work at on my own...but it did help me see how much I want to be athletic. That sounds crazy I know...but I really do want to! So I have decided that I am first going to work on being in shape. Then I will work on the athletics.

On Saturday I went to Highland Kanas for my brother's track meet. I got to see him pull vault 10 feet, which is super legit! I needed gas and I beat my brother and his friends so I stopped at a local gas station. I got gas and paid and thats when I realized it...I locked my keys in my car. This is the first time this has ever happened to me and I did not know what to do. I went into the gas station and got the number of the police to see if they could unlock my car. Apparently they don't do that.  So they gave me the number of a lock smith. While all this was happening My brother, his girlfriend, and one of their friends drove by, so they stopped and picked me up. I called the lock smith and then walked back to the gas station to wait. The lock smith unlocked my car after I waited for a while, but he did not have a way for me to pay him with my debit card. So I ended up buying him gas. This people is why I so want to end up in a small town.

Well I have to meet with a possible student now, so I have to bounce. Stay classy internet world, stay classy!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Winter Wonderland!

This weekend I continued with my nomadic tendencies and went to Omaha. When I drove down Thursday night it was still a beautiful 60 degrees. I was planning on going back to Missouri Saturday night so I could teach religious education on Sunday night. Everything was good. Friday was raining but not bad. I got to study with my cousin in the UNO library, and then went to my little brothers play that night!

The Play was great! My brother had the lead and did an amazing job! I am so proud!
He played a fairy tale detective! 

My little sister and I got really bored while waiting for the play to start and took a bunch of random and fun pictures! 
She is such a cutie...

...even if she is crazy. :) 

Then Saturday Morning came. 

When I woke up I thought there was going to be a light dusting of snow, a little wind, and that it was not going to be as bad as EVERYONE said it was going too...

Well it was EXACTLY what everyone said it would be. 


Needless to say I did not get back to Missouri Saturday night. It was super nice being snowed in though. I got 9 hours of sleep...two nights in a row! I also got to play with my little sisters, see my little brother's basketball game (they won!) and got to eat my dad's apple spice banana pancakes! 
It was a pretty great weekend! 

Now I am "watching" the superbowl with the Newman crew and I will probably go hang out in the dark room later tonight.  I know I promised more about California, but that is going to have to wait. I will leave you with this.