Friday, August 17, 2012

Story Time

A very good friend of mine has been asking me to write down a story, so I have decided to write it here. But before I tell you the story I have to tell you a little bit about myself.

I have changed a lot during my lifetime. I have gone through many different "transitional periods" and I finally think that I know who I am. Well I know who I am supposed to be and I work to reach that everyday.  Anyway, there are very few things that have never changed about my "tastes."  The one that has really been a constant is my LOVE for fairy-tales.  I FREAKING LOVE FAIRY-TALES! GAH! So yes the story I am going to tell you is a fairytale, but it is not like any other fairytale because it is real.

Once Upon a Time (Because that is how all good stories should start) There was a King. 

He was a wonderful King who always looked out for his people and took care of all of the problems in the land. 
The King had one Son, the Prince.

He was a delightful man who was kind and generous and loved to teach people about his Father's ways.  
The Queen was a beautiful woman named Mary.
(Ok So She was not this kind of Queen) 

 It was a simple name, but she liked it as the Queen was an extremely simple person.
The kingdom had a Fairy Godmother 

who helped to guide all the people in the kingdom to not only what was best for them, but what they really wanted. The Fairy Godmother helped make all of the dreams (even the ones they did not know about) come true. 
The Kingdom had many strong knights,

 who would go all over the land and take care of all of the King's people. 
They kept and protected the kingdom with honor and respect. They acted in the place of the King when he could not be physically present. 
There were also many squires who helped the knights.  

They trained and studied day and night in hopes to one day become a knight and get the chance to serve the King in a higher way. 
The Queen has many kind and generous Lady's Maids, 

and the Kingdom was filled with many Lords and Lady's.  

The Lord's were all kind and courageous gentlemen, and the Lady's were all beautiful, kind, and loved with their whole heart.

Now at his point I have to explain my tale a bit. 
For those of you who have yet to pick up in it the King is... 

God the Father.

Prince Charming is...


the Fairy Godmother is...

 the Holy Spirit.

The Queen is...

 Mary the Mother of Jesus, 
the Knights are...

 Catholic Priests.

And the Squires are...well this one has been a bit challenging. You see the squire bit came to me when I was at mass and I thought...

 But then you see, the majority of my guy friends are seminarians (studying/discerning priesthood) 

which means they are totally squires!!
 And then there are Deacons...who are also squires...but older then most. 

Actually the Deacons are like assistants to the Knights who are not training to be knights...I am going to have to ask my brother Ben if there is a name for such a thing...he will know. Then I will let you know!! And after that random tangent... 
The Lady's in Waiting are...

 Nuns (or sisters) Who care for our Mother and the people!! 

Then finally, the Lord's and Lady's are...

 the lay people. You and me.  

You see all of this came about when I was in the Cathedral in Omaha. You walk in and it feels like that is the banquet room in a castle! At the beginning of the summer we went to Ordination (When the Transitional Deacons become Priest...just in case you did not know!) and all I could think about was the fact that these three men getting ordained were really getting knighted!! GAH!!! It was so great!

I really believe that Catholicism. Is the only real fairy tale left! I used this fairytale example to explain the Trinity and my relationship to the trinity to the High School students during Totus Tuus this summer! I was super surprised at how much they loved it! But when I thought about it, it makes sense. Are not we all just searching for a grand Adventure? Well I have good news for you! God has an Amazing Qwest for you to go on! The Qwest is to get back to the grand Kingdom (Heaven). Now this Qwest will not be easy. You will have to face dragons (temptations), The evil Queen's Army (Demons) and Eventually the Evil Step Mother herself (The Devil). But do not worry! Because our Father and King has given us the tools we need to  defeat the Evil Queen! All we have to do is find them. Let the Qwest begin!

I'm Praying for you! We are all in this together! :)